We love working for Australian entrepreneurs, startups and primary industry.
Who We Serve
- Small businesses and Family businesses
- Primary Industry: 35 Years Serving Graziers, Farmers, Dairy, Cane, and more
- Manufacturing, Imort & Export
- Property Investors and Developers
- Medical practice and dental practice
- Startups and Modern Economy Businesses: We run several ourselves and we know how its done
We know business because we do business
At GGA you access a team of veteran accountants, tax agents and business planners
We combine seasoned business skills, financial know-how plus proven experience running modern fast-growing businesses.
Farming Advantage:
Trusts for the future of your family…

Trust Tax Returns & Accounting
Get the right advice:

Accountants with Industry Expertise
Self-Managed Super

SMSF Audits and SMSF Tax Returns
GGA helps find the advantages inside every business
What’s the perfect future for your business?
We understand every business owner has different goals and needs.
Talk to us about your business future: We can highlight hidden opportunities or risks in your business accounts. This could mean reaching goals sooner than you planned!
Get the right accountant for your industry
Griffin Group Accountants has accounting and tax experts who specialise in primary production, medical practices, trades, retail SMEs, RTO education and more.
What strategy do you need now?
Some business owners need to focus on a growth strategy, while others need an exit strategy or to attract finance. Share your true goals with your accountant to ensure the advice you get suits your situation!